Chandra Mami - Most admired aunty

Created by V 4 years ago

I met Chandra mami only in london during a vacation with my husband a few years ago. I'm so happy I got to know mami. She stole my heart the moment I saw her with a beautiful smile and loving personality. Though we only spent a few days with mama & mami I felt like I knew her for years. My mum( Saratha) used to sing praises of mama & mami( Raj & Chandran). I thought she was doing that because she likes her brother & sis-in law. After meeting them I couldnt agree more. 
Mami used to prepare breakfast for us and tell us lots of stories. She enjoyed talking about the boys, pretty little girls(grand daughters and her friend lali. I got to know them better and realized how much she loves them. I still remember she narating her love story with a cheeky smile and an admiration of mama. I enjoyed every minute of that story. Just a few days with her and  I felt like I know her for years. Thats the kind of attraction she had. I admired how she treats everyone, her love for mama and her can do attitude in life. 
Im so glad I got to meet her again this Jan 20 at a family gathering. She had the same smile while talking and the positive vibes touched my heart as always. I am very thankful to god for giving me an opportunity to know this wonderful soul. She left teaching me a lesson to be strong,caring and giving at all times. 

"The finest souls are those who gulped pain and avoided making others taste it". Anonymous